Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A detailed definition of what is meant by the terms: education, bullying, and terrorism.

1.Education: It is a "systematic process" of teaching, training and learning, especially in schools or colleges, to improve knowledge and develop skills for students. Take all parents for example, they can educate their children some manners and how to be polite to everyone at their home. Everything parents do at home is a kind of "education" with body action and communication skills to their children. To give something to the next generation in some traditional ways beyond the school teachers and books. Such as some living skills will be taught from the elders in some specail district where the climate is very violently, the youngsters have to learn how to live well there.

2.Bullying: It's an act of intimidating a weaker person to make them do something in the order meaning. Before legislatures were required to define bullying in more precise terms, characterizing "bullying" had largely been a question of individual judgment--"we know what it is when we see it." Bullying includes harassment, intimidation to varying degrees, taunting and ridicule. Sometimes, bullies are motivated by hate and bias, sometimes by cultural educations, peer pressure or the desire to retaliate. Bullying may occur within the context of initiation rituals and be labeled "hazing," or it can be overtly or implicitly about gender, constituting sexual harassment. Sometimes, there is no readily identifiable reason for bullying; when kids are asked who school bullies target, their answers can be disturbing precisely because they are not very special: bullies pick on kids who are "weaker," "smaller," "funny looking," or "dumb."

3.Terrorism: It's some kind of unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence against people or property to force or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or some ideological objectives. Take the most outrageous terrorist attack for example, on september 11,2001, the world trade center in downtown area of New York city was attacked by the two commercial airplanes. The Al-Qaeda is the international alliance of terrorist organizations founded by some veterans. They concocted this horrible attack just because want to claim their evil idea to against the United States. For example, bin Laden claimed that America was massacring Muslims in Palestine, Kashmir and Iraq and that Muslims should retain the right to attack in vengeance. He also claimed the 9/11 attacks were not targeted at women and children, but America's icons of military and economic power. The attack was the most devastating terrorist act in US history.

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