Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Graph Showing Average Daily Use of D.C. Metro

The graphic shows that the average number of people daily use of D.C. Metro. We can see that from 6:00 the number increased sharply. To 8:00, the number get to the peak of the day. Then from 8:00 to 10:00, the number initially declined to the average level of the day. Pass 10:00, the number of people went up to the plateau situation. Until pass 14:00, the number of people dipped to the bottom at 16:00. Then the number went up suddendly to the second highest level at 18:00. Then the number went down again to a low level at 20:00. And from 20:00 to 22:00, the number of people remain steady low in the late night. Therefore, the graphic curve shows the daily rush hour are 8:00 in the morning when people have to get to work and 18:00 in the afternoon when people have to get home. But from 12:00 to 14:00, it is a big brake for most people to find out what to eat.

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