Thursday, January 31, 2008

An experience when you felt a great deal of anxiety about a test

It is a very interesting question that I still can't find any answer for myself. People just want to get good grades in the academic test, therefore it may be the reason why people will feel anxiety before some important test. Many people always try to use the grades to evaluate a person's ability in some ways when he is a student. It is the also the reason why academic test become so important to students. I will always feel painful with my stomach, and it is a big problem to me in my student life. But it is not about the grades in my test. I just give myself to much pressure and less confidence. Actually, I still can't find any solution to relieve the test anxiety. The moment I can feel less anxiety is just after I finished all the questions in the test and pass the paper to the teacher.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Describe an experience when you worked with others on a project

I had some very interesting working experiences when I worked with others on a project in my previous job. I worked in the accounting firm in Taipei, and my job is gonig to audit the company's financial reports and the accounting data. Teamwork is our basic working style. Therefore, I list one benefit and one negative aspect of working cooperatively.

The benefit is we can learn everything from our colleagues. We didn't have any distance between each other. We had to share the same responsibility and the working hours. In hence, we can discussed problems and find the solutions together. Most of time, no body would want to delay the time to go off duty, so we worked very hard everyday on the same project.

The negative aspect is that every kind of order you have to listen to the group leader. The working schedule and the working hours, everything is under his command. Once if the team leader don't have a very good time controlling ability. This team would work very hard to complete the whole project. Therefore, it is very important to choose a good team leader when you work within a team.

From that working period, I learned the most significant thing is how to treat your teammates. Everyone has his own personality, working style, and habits. So you can not expect everyone works the ways like yourself. You have to accept everything that is out of your expectations when you worked within a team. No matter how many persons are in this team, you have to learn how to show your respect to each other.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The number of animal species is decreasing throughout the world

There are many reasons why the number of animal species is decreasing throughout the world. I have two or three reasons can explain, and the first is gloabl warming. The weather changes will affect the living environment for many animals including our human beings. The second is the global business. Mnay cross-country companies need a lot of nature resources or cheap human labors. They will always find a place for them to dig the nature resources or to build mega manufacturing factories. All of this business action always need to occupy the orinigal land from the nature. Therefore, some animal species will have no place to live. And I think it's important for mankind to preserve species, they are the parts of the world just like us. We don't have the right to distinguish them from our some behaviors. The nations can make some laws to protect the land or nature park from

One's own views of right and wrong

It is very hard to say you are right or wrong to many things in our daily lives. Everyone has his own growing background and personal living experience. Therefore it is very hard to tell people that you are right or wrong in many cases. Unless the court gudgement convict you are guilty. From my childhood, parents teach me some manners how to treat people you meet. If i'm doing wrong, my mom would tell me immediately, then I can know what's the point that I was wrong. It is very basic way to know you'r right or wrong from personal experience. When I grew up, the school teacher would do that job for every student in the educational age. But once you done your school work, leave the school to the society. You have to learn it by your own or by adopting the values of other people. When you are strating work, the most important tool is to observe other colleagues. They will teach you a lot of things that you never know from the working experiences or communications from person to person. I am always learning from the people around me, they are always my best teachers and mentors after I left the school. Because I always can find something I have to learn deeply from them.

Describe globalization and its effects

Globalization are the reasons why we can have chance to enjoy other countries food, to understand other countries culture, and share the economic profit or value with the other countries. Globalization changes a lot of business concepts for cross nation companies because you have to understanding the local cultures and living styles then you can do your business well in that country. And we can use the Apple Ipod right now, we have to thank the globalization. But in other points of view, due to the globalization that the entire world economic links together. Therefore, a big country's economic situation will affect the other countries. Once the depression happens in the major economic entity, all of the countries will suffer the same pane. In my point of view, I support the globalization because it can help the undevelopment countries make a big step to become the developing countries or from the developing countries to the develped countries. It is a good and short way to help the small or needy countries in the world.