Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The short summary of Columbine high school massacre

On April 20, 1999, in the small, suburban town of Littleton, Colorado, two high-school senior students, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, enacted an horrible attack on Columbine High School in the middle of the school day. Theirs' plan was to kill hundreds of their schoolmates. With guns, knives, and a bomb, the two boys walked the hallways and killed. Before committing suicide, they already killed twelve students, one teacher, and as well as damaged other twenty-three people in the school.

According to journals, notes, and videos that Dylon and Eric left to be discovered, Dylon had been thinking of committing suicide as early as 1997 and they both had begun thinking about a large massacre as early as April 1998 - a full year before the actual event. By then, the two had already run into some trouble. In January , 1998, Dylon and Eric were arrested for breaking into a van. Since they were first-time offenders, this program allowed them to purge the event from their record if they could successfully complete the program. So, for eleven months, the two attended workshops, spoke to counselors, worked on volunteer projects, and convinced everyone that they were sincerely sorry about the break-in. However, during the entire time, both of them were making plans for a large-scale massacre at their high school. Both of them were angry teenagers. They were not only angry at athletes that made fun of them, or Christians, or blacks, as some people have reported; they basically hated everyone except for a handful of people. On the front page of Harris's journal, he wrote: "I hate the fucking world." Harris also wrote that he hates racists, martial arts experts, and people who brag about their cars.

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