Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What do you think is the ideal age for a child to be introduced to computers?

In my opinion, I think the ideal age for children to be introduced to computers is when they starting learning in the kindergarten. Because in this age, the brain activity is very active and dynamic in these children. They can learn and try to understand everything quickly. They are very curious about the world, and I think you should give them an opportunity and a very powerful tool to use for them to try to realize everything they can. The young children can try to dig out everything they can realized and understand by using the special designed computers, and which is designed for learning purpose no matter outside the hardware or inside the software. The most importat reason is giving them a choice to decide to use the computer or not, because they can understand in this world there is a kind of tool called computer for them to use if they want to. Besides, they still have teachers at school and parents at home to support them, and give them the different solutions when they can't figure out the answer of the question they face when use the computer. For this reason, i think the ideal age for a child to introduced to computers is around six to eight years old.

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