Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Writing exercises. Alter the following sentences to make them academically respectable and defensible.

1. Physical attraction is important for marital happiness.
=>Physical attraction may not be so important for marital happiness.

2.Economic sanctions are ineffective.
=>Most of the economic sanctions may be ineffective.

3.Alcohol causes people to become violent.
=>Drinking a lot of alcohol beverages would causes people to become violent.

4.Passive smoking causes cancer.
=>Passive smoking could be the major reason causes cancer.

5.Recycling is the best solution to the waste disposal problem.
=>Recycling is might be the best solution to the waste disposal problem.

6.Physical exercise lessens the severity of depression.
=>Physical exercise lessens may reduce the severity of depression.

7.Great novels do not make great films.
=>Great novels do not always make great films.

8.Private schools provide better education than do public schools.
=>Most of private schools provide better education than do public schools.

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